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Speed conference on Just Transition Territorial Plans process

On July 8, 6:30PM-8:00PM, Climate Reality Europe and BoMiasto will hold a speed conference on inclusive and participatory territorial just transition plans development, based on the practices of the Upper Silesia region in Poland. The conference will host speakers from the Silesian civil society groups, local authorities, NGOs, European Commission, and European Parliament.

The event will highlight the positive practice of the Territorial Just Transition Plan development in Silesia, generate recommendations for improving the existing plan, and share insights for an inclusive and successful territorial plans creation process in Poland and beyond.

“EU financial instruments, market forces, innovation, the shift of citizens’ attitude and mind-set are inevitable drivers of change in Upper Silesia. A well-planned and inclusive coal phase out plan for the region would not only answer the consequences of dirty energy but would generate job opportunities for a sustainable and just future.” says Špela Bandelj, Program Manager, Climate Reality Europe. “Open public consultation of the Territorial Just transition the first step to building dialogue and cooperation, and it’s clear that the inhabitants of Silesia want to be a part of it.”

The Territorial Just Transition Plans are required to unlock the Just Transition Fund - a regulation providing financial assistance accounting to €17.5 billion, adopted by the European Council in the beginning of June 2021. The regulation is aimed at facilitating a just transition by financing projects aligned with Europe’s ambition to phase out production and use of coal, and transformation of heavily polluting industries to reach net zero targets by 2050.

The conference will take place on July 8, 6:30PM-8:00PM on the Zoom platform. Participants registration is available under this link (link). Simultaneous translation in English and Polish will be provided.

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