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Climate Reality for Kosovo

Civil society and other stakeholder organizations united efforts in Kosovo on the margin of the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement to call international and national institutions and organizations to enhance cooperation on climate solutions for reaching the Paris Agreement targets and the goals of the Sofia Declaration.

Their efforts resulted the following open letter sent to decision makers of institutions like: European Commission, European Parliament, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change or Kosovo Parliament Green Deputies.


Re: Open letter to the UNFCCC, COP26, European Commission, European Parliament, Members of The Kosovo Parliament Energy and Environment Committees, Green Deputies

The 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement should be seen as a perfect opportunity to set a clear climate ambition towards a climate neutral, resource efficient and competitive economy for Kosovo — even if we are among the non-signatories of the Paris Agreement. With this letter we call national and international decision makers to support our efforts to shift from fossil fuels to sustainable renewable energy sources.

As several other European countries, we have built our economy single-mindedly on fossil fuels, leading not only to the climate crisis but also to the erosion of biodiversity and to our present vulnerability to the COVID-19 pandemic. The consequences for citizens and communities typically reflect and reinforce existing inequalities.

The commitments of the recently adopted Sofia Declaration on The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans present a fundamental roadmap on climate, energy and mobility. Kosovo, with a clear prospect of joining the EU should make concrete efforts to meet targets both the Paris Agreement and the European Union’s Climate Law with a vision of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

Recommended actions of the Sofia Declaration, should reflect a more targeted approach towards energy efficiency measures, support to private and public buildings renovation schemes, increase the share of renewable energy sources, decrease and rapid phase-out of coal subsidies, the regional action plan for rail reforms and other sustainable mobility solutions are all important elements for a carbon-neutral region.

We, civil society organizations, environmental activists and nature lovers truly believe that Kosovo has the potential to leapfrog from the current, fossil-based economy to a healthy, renewable-based future with a wide support of the society. We should utilize scientifically proven solutions that are not harming our fragile ecosystem. At the same time, we must ensure that the transition is based on a just, fair and transparent process for and with the communities.

As representatives of the NGO community, we call United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, European Commission, European Parliament, Energy Community, Members of The Kosovo Parliament Energy and Environment Committees to support the civil society and to develop a strong cooperation in this transition that can ensure that Europe will be the first carbon-neutral continent, if possible, much earlier than 2050 — with the contribution of Kosovo.

We are seeking for everyone's collaboration to support Kosovo in its EU accession path and use the opportunity to make sure that this path will complement the continental-wide shared effort in tackling climate change.

December 10, 2020 – Kosovo

Signatory organizations of this open letter:

Agency for Sustainable Regional Development (ASRD) ► American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo ► Balkans Policy Research Group ► BIRN & Interviews Kosovo ► Bunarfest - X40 ► CHwB Kosova ► Comunity Development Fund-CDF ► Dedicated, Determined and Disciplined Youth -D3 Youth ► DOKUFEST ► Down Syndrome Kosova ► EC Ma Ndryshe ► EcoKosWomen EKW ► Ecopana ► EKOVIZIONI ► Environmentally Responsible Action - ERA Group ► ETEA ► Fondacioni Jeshil ► Forumi per Iniciativa Qytetare ► Group for legal and Political Studies ► Grupi për Mbrojtjen e Ujërave dhe Mjedisit ► HANDIKOS ► Iniciativa Kosovare per Stabilitet - IKS ► Insituti GAP ► Institute for Freedom and Justice ► Instituti i Kosovës për Drejtësi - IKD ► Instituti Riinvest ► INTEGRA NGO ► IPKO Foundation ► IPOL - Instituti Ballkanik i Politikave ► KIPRED ► Komiteti i Grave te Verbera te Kosoves ► KOSID- Kosovar Civil Society Consortium for Sustainable Development ► Kosova – Women 4 Women ► Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI) ► KosovaLive ► Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) ► Kosovar Gender Studies Center ► Kosovo Advocacy and Development Centre - KADC ► "Kosovo Architecture Foundation" & "Office for Urban Regeneration" ► Kosovo Mountain Club ► Let`s Do it Kosova ► Let`s Do it Peja ► Lëvizja FOL ► Marimangat ► Name ► OJQ Gjeomjedisi & Geoenvironmental ► OJQ Hapësira ► OJQ Konsumatori ► OJQ TOKA ► ORCA ► Organizata Çohu ► Organizata GERMIN ► Planning Green ► POLIS - Public Organization for Local Initiatives and Supports ► Prishtina Institute for Political Studies, PIPS ► Pristina International Festival ReMusica ► Programi per te Drejtat Civile ne Kosove (CRP/K) ► Qendra Kosovare për hulumtime urbane- PRO-Planning ► Qendra Kosovare për Zhvillim të Qëndrueshëm (QKZHQ) ► Qendra për studime të avancuara FIT ► Qendra perZhvillimin e Grupeve Shoqerore - CSGD ► Rrjeti i Grave të Kosovës ► Science for change ► 7 Arte ► Shoqata e Intelektualëve të Pavarur Deçan ► Shoqata Melissa ► Syri i Vizionit ► Teatri ODA ► Termokiss ► Trentino con il Kossovo ► YMCA Movement ► Youth Initiative for Human Rights - Kosovo (YIHR KS)


EcoZ, Sustainability Leadership Kosova, CAN-Europe, Climate Reality Europe

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