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6 ways to connect with Climate Reality during COP26

Our world is warming faster than any point in recorded history – and the report details the many and far-reaching consequences. More and worse drought. Seas rising. Greater extremes in temperatures. Ever-stronger hurricanes. And on and on. At this moment, the report amounts to an existential choice – for global leaders and for the rest of us.

That is why the upcoming Conference of Parties, in short COP26, taking place November 1-12, is a crucial moment for humanity to take stock of the progress - or lack thereof - made fighting the climate crisis.

Naturally, Climate Reality Leaders will participate in and contribute to the Conference in various ways. Check the newsletter below to learn more about the engagement opportunities for Climate Reality Leaders. The Climate Reality Project Europe Branch and Climate Reality Leaders based in the UK have developed several initiatives throughout the Conference, with themes focusing on just transition, climate justice, and raising the climate action ambition at the EU level. Moreover, the teams have set up networking opportunities for Climate Reality Leaders.

1. Our COP26 Climate Café: Climate Reality Europe in partnership with Climate Café, November 1-11

For COP26 in Glasgow, Climate Reality Leaders, trained by former US Vice President Al Gore, will come together with those involved in Climate Café to create spaces to share climate stories and create connections to inspire and deliver bold climate action.

Join the conversation, share your story, have a coffee, and hear from various contributors and climate leaders at 11 am and 3 pm every day; with an open mic session from 1 - 2 pm daily.

Find more info here!

When: November 1-11, 2021, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM (London time), Monday to Friday

Where: First Bus, Glasgow - Caledonia Depot, 100 Cathcart Rd

2. Pop-up Cafes, November 1-12

Pop-up Climate Cafés with Climate Reality will be popping up in venues across the city. Climate Cafés create relaxed spaces to drink, chat and act on climate. These Climate Café spaces will offer opportunities to join a climate conversation, to share stories, and hear from Climate Reality Leaders from across the world in Glasgow and also virtually.

Find out the latest program here or on

If your community would like to host a Pop Up Climate Café in Glasgow during COP26, contact A team of Climate Reality Leaders from around the world and the Climate Cafè team will be at COP 26 to work with community hosts!

This series of Climate Cafés over COP26 are supported by the Scottish Government.

When: November 1-12

Where: Buchanan St Bus Station, Glasgow Kelvin College Campuses and local communities.

3. Climate Crisis Film Festival, November 1-14

A collaboration between the Climate Crisis Film Festival, Climate Café, and Climate Reality. Hosted by the Climate Crisis Film Festival, the UK’s first climate action film festival.

Pioneering, aspirational, grassroots, and youth-led, our diverse and eye-opening programming focus on channeling constructive collective action and providing an intersectional analysis of climate, politics, economics, and social justice.

Join live wherever you are in the world! Learn more here!

The program is supported by the Scottish Government.

When: November 1, 5, 6, 9, 10

Where: online, Climate Crisis Film Festival website, Climate Cafe website

4. From Katowice to Glasgow, Just Transition event, Blue Zone; November 5

From Katowice to Glasgow - progress on Just Transition pathway in Central and Eastern Europe

A Just Transition is a crucial element in the global path towards climate neutrality. The progress made in Central and East Europe since Katowice COP 24 has led to greater climate ambition, but it is worthwhile to look at both the challenges and opportunities that are specific to the region. What lessons from this experience can be useful to other regions of the world?

Richard Filcak, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Špela Bandelj, Climate Reality Europe; Patryk Bialas, BoMiasto; Joanna Flisowska, Greenpeace Poland; Victoria Shevchuk, CEE Bankwatch; Dr Miłosława (Miłka) Stępień, CEE Bankwatch

When: November 5, 3:00PM-4:15PM GMT

Where: Lomond Auditorium (144 pax) COP 26 Blue Zone

Follow it live on UNFCCC livestream

5. COP26 Forum: Just Transition for All?, November 8

The forum will focus on 3 of the 5 COP26 Presidency themes Nature, Energy, and Transport, and will be delivered by 5 eminent speakers from around the world.

The transition to a global zero emissions by 2050 will require transformational change beyond the energy sector. It is not only the workers whose jobs and livelihoods are at direct risk from climate crisis or climate interventions, that face uncertain futures. It is when wider society benefits from well-planned and inclusive just transition mechanisms – generating sustainable jobs and opportunities, that we will truly tackle the consequences of dirty energy and generate a meaningful transition to a cleaner, greener world.

Inclusive social dialogue and widely accepted community vision are essential to achieve ambitious goals - we cannot leave anybody behind!

The objective of the forum is to demonstrate the opportunities that a just transition can bring to the workers in the affected sectors as well as the entire community and present the tools and inspire actions that governments, businesses, and civil society individuals can take.

Learn more and register here!

When: November 8, 10:00AM–12:00PM GMT

Where: Cineworld, 7 Renfrew St. Glasgow (Screen 6), Glasgow

6. Achieving Climate Justice – Community Leadership, November 9

The objective of the forum is to explore and strengthen the synergies between science, key policy efforts, and how activism can accelerate climate justice.

Despite climate change being a global phenomenon, certain groups - such as people of colour, women, indigenous communities, and those living in poverty - are more likely to suffer its effects than others. It is often the nations that have contributed the least to climate change that experience the most devastating effects.

Climate change and social inequality are two of the biggest global challenges currently facing the international community. While the wealthiest countries and households are primarily responsible for climate change, the poor are the most severely impacted by its effects. Most of them live in floodplains or on steep hillsides, putting them at risk of environmental hazards. They also lack the necessary infrastructure to cope with severe weather events. Therefore climate justice plays a crucial role in reducing growing inequalities and needs to be considered at both international and community levels.

Learn more and register here!

When: November 9, 10:00AM–1:00PM GMT

Where: Kelvin College, Glasgow (on-line!)

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