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A group of protesters with a banner saying "Stop Rosebank"

It's time to stop Rosebank

The #StopRosebank campaign is taking the UK government to court over its reckless decision to approve the largest undeveloped oil and gas project in the UK, Rosebank, in the North Sea. Burning the oil and gas from this single field would produce over 200 million tonnes of CO2.


This is more than the annual CO2 emissions of the 28 poorest countries in the global south combined or the same as emissions created by 700 million of the world’s poorest people over a year. These are people from the same countries that are already experiencing some of the worst impacts of an overheating planet. They’ve contributed the least to the climate crisis but are feeling its lash sooner and harsher because of fossil fuel exploitation.

Rosebank’s development would see a pipeline laid through a protected area of the North Sea.
This puts at risk a diverse array of marine life, from delicate coral gardens to rare, deep-sea sponges, from clams that live to hundreds of years old to whales and dolphins.

The decision to approve Rosebank is not just morally and economically wrong but unlawful.

The cases to stop Rosebank are being filed by Uplift and Greenpeace UK.
Both will be heard in the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

The Case will argue that:

  • The UK government has failed to assess the emissions generated from burning Rosebank’s oil;

  • Rosebank is not compatible with the UK’s plan for a safe climate;

  • Failure to adequately assess the impacts of Rosebank on Britain’s seas, including minimising

  • the impacts on the Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt, which is a Marine Protected Area.

These cases are being supported by:, BankTrack, Culture Unstained, Environmental Justice Foundation, Extinction Rebellion, Friday for Future
Scotland, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Fossil Free London, Fossil Free Parliament, Fuel Poverty Action, Global Witness, Green New Deal Rising,
Greenpeace Norway, Grandparents Climate Campaign Norway, Laudato Si Movement, Lawyers are Responsible, MedAct, Mothers Rise Up, Natur and
Youth Norway, Oceana, Oil Change International, Parents for Future UK, Platform, Sierra Club Canada, Tipping Point, War on Want, Whale and Dolphin
Conservation, World Cetacean Alliance.

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