7-18 NOVEMBER 2022
From 6 to 18 November, Heads of State, ministers, and negotiators, along with climate activists, mayors, civil society representatives, and CEOs will meet in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh for the largest annual gathering on climate action.
The 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP27 – will build on the outcomes of COP26 to deliver action on an array of issues critical to tackling the climate emergency – from urgently reducing greenhouse gas emissions, building resilience and adapting to the inevitable impacts of climate change, to delivering on the commitments to finance climate action in developing countries.
As Climate Reality Europe we have compiled a short overview of ways you can stay connected to COP27 and use this as an opportunity to get involved in climate action.
join our events
In the upcoming weeks, together with Climate Reality Leaders from Europe and Africa, we will run events which tackle key issues to be discussed during COP27: climate justice, just transition, and community climate action.
key messages
Ensure faster & deeper emission reductions.
Climate change is an existential threat and time is running out. Urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support adaptation is crucial to the survival of many of our communities. This means unquestionable fossil fuel phase-out and transition to clean energy sources to reach a zero-carbon economy much earlier than 2050.
Deliver on the climate finance promises.
All developed economies should strengthen their funding to support emission reductions and adaptation in developing economies. The global target of committing at least USD$100 billion per annum in climate finance must be delivered at the Egypt COP.
Provide increased support to vulnerable communities.
Developed economies should support new and additional commitments for a special ‘loss and damage’ fund that helps with payments to impacted communities.
Secure reliable emissions calculating & reporting.
Decisions on national and local climate action programs and legislation must be based on a credible emission reduction assessment and calculations. A yearly transparent mitigation report must be published on the local and national level, ensuring easily understandable, traceable, audited numbers free of loopholes and double-accounting.
Safeguard democratic and justice mechanisms for climate crisis mitigation and adaptation.
The legislative framework underlying the transition to a carbon-neutral economy must be based on democratic and just transition principles to protect the human rights of the most vulnerable communities.